We are very excited that Chuck Miller is coming for a three day workshop to Yoga Rebellion! Chuck was one of the first Westerners who studied Ashtanga Yoga with Pattabhi Jois and he later on co-founded YogaWorks in Santa Monica. In this workshop he focuses on the following:

Standing authentically.
Using the practice of Samasthiti to find a more natural approach to all asana practices. 
Using Surya Namaskara (sun salutations) and standing posture practices to understand how our Samskaras (impressions/imprints in the deeper structure of the mind) drive us.
Clearing the Samskaras is Nirodha and the purpose of practice. 
We are left with a sense of ease in our body, clarity in our mind. 

For more info please go to our event page.

There are still a few spots available! Please contact us at info@yogarebellion.com.

Videos with Chuck: